Summer Camp (WordPress)
Just returned from my 2nd WordCamp. This one in Orange County at UC Irvine’s Innovation Center called The Cove. Now that I’ve had a couple days, it is sinking in how life-changing the right information at the right time can be.
Mostly, I just have to say a huge thanks to the organizers and presenters of #WCOC. I can not imagine how much effort it took to create this two day (very) casual conference.
Didn’t sleep much the night before, so I was I little slow on the uptake. But now, I’ve had a chance to review the success stories of famous WordPress success stories: Jason Weisberger a co-founder of Boing Boing talked about how even after a massive number of mistakes, getting it wrong has led to somehow getting if very right. He spends his days collaborating with friends, writing about everything they find that is ‘cool.’
Brian Clark, had almost the opposite message, in his talk about a “5 step strategy for attracting an audience.”
But somehow that was the perfect bookend to what Jason said.
Better Bloggin with Chris Lema…
The highest value talk for me was Chris Lema’s “Becoming a Better Blogger.” It was a misleadingly convention title, he was a wildly energetic presenter who did that very difficult thing; he was both entertaining and deeply informative. Chris is a brilliant teacher. I am still digesting his clear steps toward improving post writing. Doing it with speed and consistency is essential if I’m going to be a Pro.
He repeated the message of other talks, write toward the reader, suspending your own ego needs.