Creatively searching for work…

I was talking to a friend about being creative about the act of looking for work. I may never look for a job-job again, but a key goal of mine is to find new design clients, employing the Red Velvet Rope policy. That means, not getting desperate and taking on a project with a client when your gut instinct says this will be trouble.

Frank Gehry, perhaps the most famous architect in the world says you will NEVER do great work for clients who don’t care if the project is mediocre, who focus on budget and negatives first.

So don’t do that!

I think I took jobs as they came to me, often without other options, which means much of the time the project was just O.K. The money was O.K., the communication with them was just O.K., and sometimes the work ended up as something I would give a C+ to.