Build a business / find a great job: creative use of LinkedIn

I learned more about the power of using LinkedIn from* than from any other source.

The KEY idea for me was to include


in a highly developed personal profile.

The great job, the truly innovative business is about passion. Even someone who has just graduated from college can leverage their desires by beginning to do what they wish to do NOW. An example, would be my former studio assistant, Patrick, who during his final semester at LMU self-published his first book, Los Angeles Non Sequitur. Rather than waiting for ‘permission’ from a publisher, he jumped right in.

In a nutshell. take what you love, and begin a project with it today. It can give you something to talk about in an interview. It can connect you with other people who are trying hard to improve the world through things they make and do.

*Interesting that Lynda was just purchased by LinkedIn. I hope it continues to thrive. I have found no better place to learn about technology, and even learn about learning.

If you are going through the college to ‘real world’ transition, maybe you can add a comment to our TRANSITIONS VoiceThread.